1 granizado
m.iced drink, water ice.past part.past participle of spanish verb: granizar.* * *1 iced drink————————1→ link=granizar granizar1 iced drink\granizado de limón iced lemon drink* * *SM (=bebida) iced drink; [de hielo] slush* * ** * ** * *granizado de limón iced lemon drink* * *
Del verbo granizar: ( conjugate granizar)
granizado es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
granizado sustantivo masculino ( bebida) drink served on crushed ice
granizar ( conjugate granizar) v impers
to hail
granizado,-a sustantivo masculino y femenino iced drink: quiero un granizado de limón, I'll have an iced-lemon drink
granizar verbo impersonal to hail
' granizado' also found in these entries:
- raspado
* * *granizado, -a♦ adjRP [helado]helado granizado chocolate chip ice cream♦ nm= drink of flavoured crushed ice;granizado de café = coffee-flavoured crushed ice;granizado de limón = lemon-flavoured crushed ice* * *m type of soft drink made with crushed ice* * *granizado n iced drink -
2 café
adj.brown.m.1 coffee.2 coffee shop, coffeehouse, café, coffee-bar.3 cup of coffee.* * *1 (gen) coffee■ ¿te apetece un café? do you fancy a coffee?, do you fancy a cup of coffee?2 (cafetería) café, coffee bar, coffee shop\café americano large black coffeecafé con leche white coffeecafé molido ground coffeecafé solo black coffeecafé soluble instant coffeecafé torrefacto high-roast coffeegrano de café coffee bean* * *noun m.1) coffee2) coffee shop* * *SM1) (Bot) (=bebida) coffeecafé café — real coffee, coffee that really is coffee
café cerrero — And strong black coffee
café completo — Cono Sur continental breakfast
café con leche — white coffee, coffee with milk, coffee with cream (EEUU); (=homosexual) ** queer **, fag (EEUU) **
café quemado — Caribe coffee with a drop of milk
café tinto — LAm black coffee
2) (=cafetería) café, coffee shop3) Cono Sur * (=reprimenda) ticking-off *4)mal café * —
estar de mal café — to be in a bad mood; CAm to be out of sorts
tener mal café — (=genio) to have a nasty temper; (=intenciones) to have evil intentions
5)café avellana — [como adj] nut-brown
* * *Iadjetivo (gen inv)a) ( marrón claro) < color> coffee (before n); <vestido/zapato> coffee-colored*b) (AmC, Chi, Méx) ( marrón) brownII1) (cultivo, bebida) coffeeme sirvió un café — he gave me some o a cup of coffee, he gave me a coffee (BrE)
2) ( cafetería) café- café bar3)a)(de) color café — coffee-colored*
b) (AmC, Chi, Méx) ( marrón) brown4) (RPl fam) ( regañina) telling-off* * *Iadjetivo (gen inv)a) ( marrón claro) < color> coffee (before n); <vestido/zapato> coffee-colored*b) (AmC, Chi, Méx) ( marrón) brownII1) (cultivo, bebida) coffeeme sirvió un café — he gave me some o a cup of coffee, he gave me a coffee (BrE)
2) ( cafetería) café- café bar3)a)(de) color café — coffee-colored*
b) (AmC, Chi, Méx) ( marrón) brown4) (RPl fam) ( regañina) telling-off* * *café11 = coffee.Ex: You have specified beverages but no the particular beverage in question, coffee.
* a la hora del café = at coffee.* café descafeinado = decaffeinated coffee.* café exprés = espresso.* café expreso = espresso.* café instantáneo = instant coffee.* café molido = ground coffee.* cafetera llena de café = pot of coffee.* café torrefacto = roasted coffee.* café tostado = roasted coffee.* grano de café = coffee bean.* jarro para el café = coffee mug.* juego de café = coffee set.* marrón café = coffee-brown.* molinillo de café = coffee grinder.* otra taza de té o café = refill [re-fill].* puesto de café y comida = coffee and lunch corner.* reunión para tomar café = coffee party.* taza de café = cup of coffee.* taza para el café = coffee cup.* tueste de café = coffee roasting.café22 = cafe, coffee house [coffee-house/coffeehouse], coffee bar.Ex: The 1st phase of a cultural centre, with library, art gallery, swimming pool, cafe and day centre for the elderly, was opened in Sept 87.
Ex: As one librarian summarized, 'people are not into the stuffed looking, dingy, dust smelling type of libraries anymore... they expect atmospheres more like coffeehouses or nice bookstores'.Ex: Buildings converted to libraries include mansions, stores, gas stations, coffee bars, fire stations, post offices and chapels.* cibercafé = Internet café, cybercafe [cyber-cafe].* consumo de café = coffee consumption.* * *café11 (marrón claro) ‹color› coffee ( before n); ‹vestido/zapato› coffee-colored*2 (AmC, Chi, Méx) (marrón) brownojos café or cafés brown eyescafé2café con leche (↑ café a1)A (cultivo, bebida) coffeeme sirvió un café he gave me some o a cup of coffee, he gave me a coffee ( BrE)granos de café coffee beansCompuestos:large black coffee( Col) large strong black coffeedecaffeinated coffeecoffee beans (pl)● café exprés or expresoespressoinstant coffeeIrish coffeemedium roast coffeeground coffeelight roast coffee( AmL) espresso( Chi) black coffeeblack coffeeinstant coffee(Col, Ven) black coffee( RPl) roasted coffeehigh roast coffeeTurkish coffeeViennese coffeeB (cafetería) caféCompuestos:● café barcafécafé ( with live music)● café concert or conciertocafé ( with live music)1(de) color café coffee-colored*2 (AmC, Chi, Méx) (marrón) brown* * *
café adjetivo ( gen inv) (AmC, Chi, Méx) ( marrón) brown;
■ sustantivo masculino
1 (cultivo, bebida) coffee;
café cerrero (Col) large strong black coffee;
café con leche ( bebida) regular coffee (AmE), white coffee (BrE);
café cortado coffee with a dash of milk;
café expreso espresso;
café instantáneo o soluble instant coffee;
café natural/torrefacto light roast/high roast coffee;
café negro (AmL) or (Chi) puro or (Col) tinto or (Esp) solo black coffee
2 ( cafetería) café;
3 (AmC, Chi, Méx) ( marrón) brown
café sustantivo masculino
1 (bebida, planta) coffee
café con leche/solo, white/black coffee
café descafeinado, decaffeinated coffee, decaf
café en grano, coffee beans
café molido, ground coffee
café torrefacto, high roast coffee
2 (establecimiento) café
café cantante, cabaret
café concierto, café with live music
♦ Locuciones: mal café, (mal humor) foul temper: hoy estoy de muy mal café, I'm in an awful mood today
tiene muy mal café, he's downright nasty
' café' also found in these entries:
- apostar
- buena
- bueno
- cafetera
- cafetería
- capuchino
- cargada
- cargado
- colmada
- colmado
- confitería
- convecina
- convecino
- cuchara
- cucharilla
- encima
- escrupulosa
- escrupuloso
- extracto
- ir
- fuerte
- grano
- instantánea
- instantáneo
- liofilizar
- mojar
- molinillo
- murmullo
- ordinaria
- ordinario
- paquete
- pergeñar
- servicio
- soluble
- taza
- terraza
- tinto
- torrefacta
- torrefacto
- tostar
- tostada
- tostado
- tostadura
- turca
- turco
- acabar
- aguado
- aroma
- asentar
- all-night
- bean
- black
- brew
- coffee
- coffee bean
- coffee break
- coffee cup
- coffee grinder
- coffee house
- coffee table
- cold
- espresso
- fancy
- filter coffee
- fix
- freeze-dried
- friendly
- get
- grind
- grinder
- ground
- how
- instant
- Irish coffee
- lace
- like
- make
- milky
- mill
- monotony
- mug
- or
- politely
- roast
- sip
- slot machine
- some
- spoon
- stir
- strong
- to
- weak
- what
- white
- will
- would
- all
- any
* * *♦ nm1. [bebida] coffee;¿quieres un café? would you like a (cup of) coffee?café americano large black coffee;café cortado = coffee with a dash of milk;café exprés expresso;café expreso expresso;café de filtro filter coffee;café instantáneo instant coffee;café irlandés Irish coffee;café con leche coffee with milk or cream, Br white coffee;café molido ground coffee;Am café negro black coffee; Méx café de olla = coffee boiled with cinnamon and raw sugar; Andes café perfumado coffee with alcohol; Esp café solo expresso;café soluble instant coffee;Andes, Ven café tinto black coffee; RP café torrado high-roast coffee;café torrefacto high-roast coffee;café turco Turkish coffee;café vienés = coffee topped with whipped cream2. [cultivo] coffee;una plantación de café a coffee plantation3. [establecimiento] café, coffee shopcafé bar = café where alcohol is also sold;estar de mal café to be in a bad mood♦ adj inv[color] coffee-coloured; Am [marrón] brown* * *m1 coffee2 ( bar) café* * *café adj: brownojos cafés: brown eyescafé nm1) : coffee2) : café* * *café n1. (bebida) coffee2. (cafetería) cafecafé con leche white coffee / milky coffee -
3 blanco
adj.white.m.1 target, bulls-eye, bull's-eye, bull's-eye of target.2 white, white color, white colour.3 white person, white man.4 blank.5 target, aim, objective, goal.6 Blanco.* * *► adjetivo1 white2 (complexión) fair-skinned■ tiene la piel muy blanca she has very fair skin, she's very fair-skinned► nombre masculino,nombre femenino1 (color) white2 (objetivo) target, mark3 figurado object4 (hueco) blank, gap; (en escrito) blank space5 (vino) white wine\dar en el blanco to hit the mark 2 figurado to hit the nail on the headblanco y negro black and whiteen blanco blankmás blanco,-a que la nieve as white as snowno tener ni blanca to be flat brokepasar la noche en blanco to have a sleepless nightblanco de España whitingblanco del ojo white of the eye————————1 (color) white2 (objetivo) target, mark3 figurado object4 (hueco) blank, gap; (en escrito) blank space5 (vino) white wine* * *1. noun m.1) white2) blank3) target2. (f. - blanca)adj.* * *blanco, -a1. ADJ1) (=de color blanco) white2) [raza] white3) (=pálido) [cara, cutis] fair4) (Literat) [verso] blank2.SM / F (=persona) white man/womanel ladrón era un blanco, fuerte, de 1,80 — the thief was white, heavily built, 6ft tall
los blancos — white people3. SM1) (=color) white•
calentar algo al blanco — to heat sth till it is white-hot•
de blanco, casarse de blanco — to get married in white, have a white weddingcarpintero 1), punta 1., 2)blanco y negro — (Culin) iced coffee with cream
2) (=parte blanca)blanco del huevo — white of the egg, egg white
3) (=blancura) whiteness4) (=objetivo) target•
dar en el blanco — (lit) to hit the targettus críticas han dado en el blanco — your criticisms were right on target o were spot on
has dado en el blanco escogiendo esta carrera — you did exactly the right thing in choosing that degree course
ese comentario tuyo dio en el blanco, por eso dolió tanto — that remark of yours hit home, that's why it hurt so much
hacer blanco — to hit the targetla prensa la hizo blanco de sus críticas — the press singled her out for criticism, she was the target of attacks by the press
tiro 1)la modelo fue el blanco de todas las miradas — the model was the centre of attention, all eyes were on the model
5) (=espacio sin escribir) blank, blank (space)6)• en blanco — blank
dejar algo en blanco — to leave sth blankhe dejado el examen en blanco — I left the exam paper blank, I didn't write anything on the exam paper
dejé varias preguntas en blanco en el examen — there were several questions I didn't answer in the exam
votar en blanco — to return a blank ballot paperquedarse en blanco —
no pude contestar porque se me quedó la mente en blanco — I couldn't answer because my mind went blank
7) (=pausa) gap, breakhay varios blancos entre las clases — there are several gaps o breaks between classes
8) (=mancha blanca) [pequeña] white spot; [más grande] white patch9) Puerto Rico (=formulario) blank, blank form10)blancalos Blancos — Uru (Pol) political party
* * *I- ca adjetivo1)a) <color/vestido/pelo> whiteen blanco: entregó el examen en blanco she handed in a blank exam (paper); rellenar los espacios en blanco fill in the blanks; voté en blanco I returned a blank ballot (AmE), I left my voting paper blank (BrE); quedarse en blanco or quedársele a alguien la mente en blanco: me quedé en blanco or se me quedó la mente en blanco — my mind went blank
b) ( pálido) [ser] fair-skinned, pale-skinned; [estar] whiteestoy muy blanco — I'm very white o pale
2) <persona/raza> whiteII- ca masculino, femenino white personIII1) ( color) whitedar en el blanco — ( literal) to hit the target; ( acertar)
diste en el blanco con ese regalo — you were right on (AmE) o (BrE) spot-on with that present (colloq)
3) ( vino) white (wine)* * *I- ca adjetivo1)a) <color/vestido/pelo> whiteen blanco: entregó el examen en blanco she handed in a blank exam (paper); rellenar los espacios en blanco fill in the blanks; voté en blanco I returned a blank ballot (AmE), I left my voting paper blank (BrE); quedarse en blanco or quedársele a alguien la mente en blanco: me quedé en blanco or se me quedó la mente en blanco — my mind went blank
b) ( pálido) [ser] fair-skinned, pale-skinned; [estar] whiteestoy muy blanco — I'm very white o pale
2) <persona/raza> whiteII- ca masculino, femenino white personIII1) ( color) whitedar en el blanco — ( literal) to hit the target; ( acertar)
diste en el blanco con ese regalo — you were right on (AmE) o (BrE) spot-on with that present (colloq)
3) ( vino) white (wine)* * *blanco11 = target, butt, bull's eye.Ex: Paid employees can have targets set for them and their prospects may well depend upon their meeting these targets.
Ex: The author discusses art critic Harry Quilter, usually remembered today as 'Arry,' the butt of merciless lampooning by J.M. Whistler.Ex: It has been dubbed the ' Bull's-Eye' due to its five layers, represented as concentric circles.* blanco de las bromas, el = butt of jokes, the.* blanco en movimiento = moving target.* blanco fácil = ripe target, sitting duck.* blanco móvil = moving target.* blanco perfecto = sitting duck.* blanco seguro = sitting duck.* conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = grab + the limelight.* conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.* dar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth, hit + home.* en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.* expresión en blanco = blank look.* justo en el blanco = dead on target.* ser el blanco de = be a pushover for.* ser el blanco de las críticas = come under + fire.blanco22 = white, Caucasian.Nota: Persona de raza blanca.Ex: In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.
Ex: Although Hawaii's journalists are more ethnically diverse than US journalists, there are proportionately more Caucasian journalists than Caucasians in the Hawaii population.* armario de la ropa blanca = linen cupboard.* atinar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye.* blanco protestante anglosajón americano = WASP.* contacto con los blancos = white contact.* de la clase blanca, protestante y anglosajona americana = WASPish.* escoria social de raza blanca = white trash.* hombre blanco = white man [white men, -pl.].* huida blanca = white flight.* persona de raza blanca = white.* supremacía de los blancos = white supremacism, white supremacy.blanco33 = white [whiter -comp., whitest -sup.].Ex: When appropriate, give 'col.' for multicoloured objects, or name the colour(s) of the object if it is in one or two colours, or give 'b&w' for black and white objects; e.g., 1 bowl: porcelain, blue and white.
* águila de cabeza blanca = bald eagle.* armario de la ropa blanca = linen closet.* bandera blanca = white flag.* blanco como la nieve = snow-white.* blanco del ojo = white of + Posesivo + eye.* blanco hueso = off-white.* blanco roto = off-white.* blanco y negro = black & white.* caballero blanco = white knight, knight in shining armour.* carne blanca = white meat.* carta blanca = carte blanche, blank cheque [blank check, -USA].* Casa Blanca, la = White House, the.* cheque en blanco = blank cheque [blank check, -USA].* ciervo de cola blanca = white-tailed deer.* con la mirada en blanco = blankly.* darle a Alguien carta blanca = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.* darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.* dejar en blanco = leave + blank.* demonio blanco = white devil.* de piel blanca = white-skinned.* de punta en blanco = dressed (up) to the nines, spic(k)-and-span.* elefante blanco = white elephant.* enarbolar la bandera blanca = raise + the white flag.* en blanco = blankly, blank.* en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).* espacio en blanco = blank, blank space.* espacio en blanco final = trailing blank.* espacio en blanco inicial = beginning blank.* espino blanco = whitethorn.* estar sin blanca = not have a bean.* expresión en blanco = blank expression.* fósforo blanco = white phosphorous.* gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.* herida de arma blanca = stab wound.* Libro Blanco = White Paper.* mente + quedarse en blanco = mind + go blank.* mostaza blanca = white mustard.* negro sobre fondo blanco = black on white.* noche en blanco = sleepless night.* personas de piel blanca, las = fair skinned, the.* pescado blanco = whitefish.* pino blanco = white pine.* poner los ojos en blanco = roll + Posesivo + eyes.* ponerse blanco = turn + white, whiten.* quedarse en blanco = go + blank, mind + go blank.* ropa blanca = whites.* sin blanca = broke, penniless, skint.* sustancia blanca = white matter.* tener carta blanca = have + carte-blanche.* tiburón blanco = white shark.* trébol blanco = white clover.* vestirse de punta en blanco = tog out, tog up.blanco44 = white paper.Nota: En imprenta, cara de un pliego que se imprime primero antes de imprimir la segunda cara o "reiteración".Ex: The reiteration was then printed off in much the same way as the white paper, this time in reverse order of sheets.
* * *A1 [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] ‹color/vestido/pelo› whiteen blanco: entregó el examen en blanco she handed in a blank exam (paper)rellenar los espacios en blanco fill in the blanksdeja este espacio en blanco do not write anything in this space, leave this space blankno distingue/distinguen lo blanco de lo negro ( fam); he doesn't have/they don't have a clue ( colloq), he doesn't/they don't know left from right ( colloq)poner los ojos en blanco to roll one's eyesquedarse en blancoor quedársele a algn la mente en blanco: me quedé en blancoor se me quedó la mente en blanco my mind went blank2 (pálido) [ SER] fair-skinned, pale-skinned [ ESTAR] whiteten cuidado con el sol, eres muy blanco be careful of the sun, you're very fair-skinnedestoy muy blanco I'm very white o paleB ‹hombre/mujer/raza› whitemasculine, femininewhite personA (color) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] whiteel blanco es un color muy sucio white shows the dirtde un blanco luminoso dazzling whitefotos en blanco y negro black and white photosCompuestos:whitingwhite of the eyeno parecerse ni en el blanco de los ojos or del ojo ( fam); to be like night and day ( AmE colloq), to be like chalk and cheese ( BrE colloq)iced coffee with creamtirar al blanco to shoot at the targetfue el blanco de todas las miradas everyone was looking at herse ha convertido en el blanco de todas las críticas he has become the target for all the criticismdar en el blanco (literal) to hit the target(acertar): ¿te has peleado con Ana? — has dado en el blanco have you had a fight with Ana? — you're dead right, I havediste en el blanco con ese regalo you were right on ( AmE) o ( BrE) spot-on with that present ( colloq)C (vino) white, white wine* * *
blanco 1◊ -ca adjetivo
rellenar los espacios en blanco fill in the blanks;
me quedé en blanco my mind went blank
[estar] white;◊ estoy muy blanco I'm very white o pale
2 ‹persona/raza› white
3 ‹ vino› white
■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
white person
blanco 2 sustantivo masculino
1 ( color) white;
2 (Dep, Jueg) ( objeto) target;
( centro) bullseye;
dar en el blanco to hit the target/bullseye
3 ( vino) white (wine)
I adjetivo
1 white
2 (pálido) fair
II m,f (hombre) white man
(mujer) white woman
los blancos, whites
LAm (patrón, cacique, sea blanco o no) landowner, powerful man
III sustantivo masculino
1 (color) white
2 (diana) target: es el blanco de todas las críticas, he's the target of all the criticism
dar en el blanco, to hit the target
fig (acertar con algo) to hit the nail on the head
3 (espacio sin imprimir) blank 4 blanco del ojo, white of the eye
♦ Locuciones: en blanco: dejó el examen en blanco, he left the exam blank
se quedó en blanco, her mind went blank
figurado pasar la noche en blanco, to have a sleepless night
' blanco' also found in these entries:
- blanca
- cana
- cano
- canosa
- canoso
- diana
- entonces
- estar
- fotografía
- manzanilla
- mirlo
- narciso
- noche
- punta
- sucia
- sucio
- terrera
- terrero
- Tiro
- vino
- voto
- atinar
- cheque
- chocolate
- dar
- espacio
- glóbulo
- manjar
- mente
- pan
- papeleta
- pescado
- televisión
- tiro
aim at
- angel food cake
- ashen
- black
- blank
- blood
- bread
- bull's-eye
- butt
- cottage cheese
- dappled
- deathly
- dress
- fill in
- gap
- hit
- mark
- milk-white
- monochrome
- nine
- object
- on
- or
- paper
- redneck
- rice
- rifle range
- riflery
- roll
- seal
- sheet
- shooting-match
- sleepless
- target
- target practice
- white
- white blood-cell
- wide
- butter
- fair
- haricot (bean)
- home
- lily
- miss
- pale
- pith
- poplar
- sitting
- sugar
* * *blanco, -a♦ adj1. [color] white;página/verso en blanco blank page/verse;votar en blanco to return a blank ballot paper;dejé cuatro respuestas en blanco I left four answers blank, I didn't answer four questions;se quedó con la mente en blanco his mind went blank;una noche en blanco [sin dormir] a sleepless night2. [pálido] white, pale;estás muy blanco you're so white;nunca se pone moreno porque es muy blanco he never tans because he's very fair-skinned;3. [raza] white♦ nm,f1. [persona] white;los blancos whites♦ nm1. [color] white;el blanco es mi color favorito white is my favourite colour;calentar algo al blanco to make sth white-hot;una televisión en blanco y negro a black-and-white television;filmado en blanco y negro filmed in black and white;prefiero el blanco y negro al color I prefer black-and-white to colourQuím blanco (de) España whiting;blanco del ojo white of the eye;blanco de la uña half-moon2. [diana, objetivo] target;[de miradas] object;se convirtió en el blanco de la crítica he became the target of criticism;dar en el blanco to hit the target;Fig to hit the nail on the head;la campaña publicitaria dio en el blanco the advertising campaign struck a chord;has dado en el blanco con tu último artículo your last article was spot-onblanco fácil sitting duck;blanco móvil moving target3. [espacio vacío] blank (space);ha dejado muchos blancos en el examen she left a lot of things blank in the exam4. [vino] white (wine)* * *I adj1 white;no distinguir lo blanco de lo negro not know what’s what;ponerse oquedarse blanco go whiteme quedé en blanco, me quedé con la mente en blanco my mind went blank;pasar la noche en blanco have a sleepless night3:arma blanca knifeII m1 persona white2 ( diana), figtarget;dar en el blanco hit the nail on the head;errar el blanco miss the target;hacer blanco hit the target;ser el blanco de todas las miradas be the center o Br centre of attention* * *blanco, -ca adj: whiteblanco, -ca n: white personblanco nm1) : white2) : target, bull's-eyedar en el blanco: to hit the target, to hit the nail on the head3) : blank space, blankun cheque en blanco: a blank check* * *blanco1 adj whiteblanco2 n3. (color) white4. (diana, objetivo) target -
4 blanco y negro
black and white* * *= black & whiteEx. I am faced with cataloging a rather large collection of black & whiteprints for a local historical society.* * *= black & whiteEx: I am faced with cataloging a rather large collection of black & whiteprints for a local historical society.
* * *GASTR iced coffee with cream -
5 enfriar
v.1 to cool (also figurative).El viento enfrió el pastel rápidamente The wind cooled the cake rapidly.2 to get colder.3 to chill, to cast a chill over, to pour cold water on, to throw cold water on.Su indiferencia enfrió la relación His indifference chilled the relation.* * *1 to cool (down), chill2 figurado to cool down1 (clima) to get cold, get colder2 (ponerse frío) to cool, cool down1 (lo demasiado caliente) to cool down; (ponerse demasiado frío) to go cold, get cold■ déjalo enfriar, está muy caliente let it cool down, it's too hot2 (tener frío) to get cold; (resfriarse) to catch a cold, get a cold3 figurado to cool off* * *verbto cool, chill* * *1. VT1) (=refrescar) [+ vino, refresco] to cool, chill; [+ sopa, motor] to cool down2) (=quitar fuerza a) [+ pasión, economía] to cool down; [+ entusiasmo] to dampen, cool3) LAm * (=matar) to kill, bump off *2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) < alimento> to cool; ( en el refrigerador) to chill, coolb) <entusiasmo/relación> to cool, cause... to cool2) (Per fam) ( matar) to bump off (colloq), to ice (AmE sl)2.enfriar vi3.no dejes enfriar el café — don't let your coffee go o get cold
enfriarse v pron1)a) comida/bebida ( ponerse - demasiado frío) to get cold, go cold; (- lo suficientemente frío) to cool downb) manos to get coldc) entusiasmo/relaciones to cool (off)2) ( tomar frío) to catch o get cold; ( resfriarse) to catch a cold, catch a chill3) (Per fam) ( morirse) to croak (colloq), to drop dead (colloq)* * *= cool, chill out, refrigerate, ice, chill.Ex. Type-metal was an alloy hard enough to wear well yet had a low melting point and it neither shrank nor expanded when it cooled.Ex. The advice is to chill out most artefacts with confidence, although coating on wood may crackle a little bit by -50 degrees centigrade.Ex. The gush of water could serve many purposes and was prescribed to soothe, to refrigerate, to stop a swelling, to widen pores, to shock the patient.Ex. The loins were divided into 2 lots: one lot was iced immediately and the other lot was left at room temperature for 6 hours before icing.Ex. Always chill the bowl and whisk attachment before whipping the cream.----* enfriar el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + excitement, dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.* enfriarse = cool off, lapse, cool down, go + cold turkey, catch + a chill, grow + cold, get + cold feet.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) < alimento> to cool; ( en el refrigerador) to chill, coolb) <entusiasmo/relación> to cool, cause... to cool2) (Per fam) ( matar) to bump off (colloq), to ice (AmE sl)2.enfriar vi3.no dejes enfriar el café — don't let your coffee go o get cold
enfriarse v pron1)a) comida/bebida ( ponerse - demasiado frío) to get cold, go cold; (- lo suficientemente frío) to cool downb) manos to get coldc) entusiasmo/relaciones to cool (off)2) ( tomar frío) to catch o get cold; ( resfriarse) to catch a cold, catch a chill3) (Per fam) ( morirse) to croak (colloq), to drop dead (colloq)* * *= cool, chill out, refrigerate, ice, chill.Ex: Type-metal was an alloy hard enough to wear well yet had a low melting point and it neither shrank nor expanded when it cooled.
Ex: The advice is to chill out most artefacts with confidence, although coating on wood may crackle a little bit by -50 degrees centigrade.Ex: The gush of water could serve many purposes and was prescribed to soothe, to refrigerate, to stop a swelling, to widen pores, to shock the patient.Ex: The loins were divided into 2 lots: one lot was iced immediately and the other lot was left at room temperature for 6 hours before icing.Ex: Always chill the bowl and whisk attachment before whipping the cream.* enfriar el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + excitement, dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.* enfriarse = cool off, lapse, cool down, go + cold turkey, catch + a chill, grow + cold, get + cold feet.* * *vtA1 ‹vino/postre› (en el refrigerador) to chill, cool; (sin refrigerador) to cool2 ‹entusiasmo/relación› to cool, cause … to cool■ enfriarvino dejes enfriar el café don't let your coffee go o get coldhay que dejar enfriar el motor you have to let the engine cool downponlo a enfriar put it in the refrigerator to chillA1 «comida/bebida» (ponerse — demasiado frío) to get cold, go cold; (— lo suficientemente frío) to cool downel café se enfrió the coffee went o got coldespera que se enfríe un poco wait till it cools down a bit2 «manos» to get cold3 «entusiasmo/relaciones» to cool, cool offB1 (coger frío) to catch o get cold2 (resfriarse) to catch a cold, catch a chill* * *
enfriar ( conjugate enfriar) verbo transitivo
( en el refrigerador) to chill, cool
verbo intransitivo:◊ no dejes enfriar el café don't let your coffee go o get cold;
deja enfriar el motor let the engine cool down;
ponlo a enfriar put it in the refrigerator to chill
enfriarse verbo pronominal
(— lo suficientemente frío) to cool down
2 ( tomar frío) to catch o get cold;
( resfriarse) to catch a cold, catch a chill
I verbo transitivo
1 to cool (down), chill
2 (disminuir la fuerza) la distancia enfrió su amistad, distance caused them to grow apart
figurado enfriar la economía, to cool down the economy
II verbo intransitivo to cool down: esta vieja nevera ya no enfría, this old fridge doesn't keep anything cold
' enfriar' also found in these entries:
- entibiar
- cool
- damp
* * *♦ vt1. [sopa, motor, atmósfera] to cool (down);[bebida fría] to chill2. [situación, sentimiento] to cool;aquello enfrió su relación that made their relationship more distant, their friendship cooled as a result♦ viesta nevera no enfría this fridge doesn't work properly;espera hasta que la sopa enfríe wait for the soup to cool down;mete las cervezas a enfriar en el refrigerador put the beers in the fridge to get cold♦ v impersonalto get colder* * *cool* * *enfriar {85} vt1) : to chill, to cool2) : to cool down, to dampenenfriar vi: to get cold* * *enfriar vb to cool -
6 leche
f.milk.leche de coco coconut milkleche condensada condensed milkleche descremada o desnatada skimmed milkleche entera full cream milk, whole milkleche esterilizada/homogeneizada sterilized/homogenized milkleche merengada = drink made from milk, egg whites, sugar and cinnamonleche pasteurizada pasteurized milkleche en polvo powdered milkleche UHT UHT milkpres.subj.1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: lechar.* * *1 milk■ no corras tanto que nos vamos a dar una leche don't drive so fast, we're going to crash3 tabú (fastidio) drag, bastard, bummer■ ¡qué mala leche, mira que perder el avión! what rotten luck, fancy missing the plane!■ ¡qué leche tienes hijo! you jammy bugger!\a toda leche familiar at full belt, flat outde la leche argot bloody, bleeding, friggingestar de mala leche familiar to be in a foul moodmás blanco,-a que la leche as white as a sheetser la leche tabú to be bloody incredibletener mala leche familiar (mal carácter) to have a foul temper 2 (malicia - hombre) to be a bastard 3 (- mujer) to be a bitchleche condensada condensed milkleche descremada skimmed milkleche desnatada skimmed milkleche entera whole milkleche en polvo powdered milkleche materna mother's milkleche merengada iced drink made from milk, egg whites and sugar, flavoured with cinnamon* * *noun f.* * *SF1) [de mamífero] milkcafé con leche — white coffee, coffee with milk
leche completa — full-cream milk, whole milk
leche de larga duración, leche de larga vida — long-life milk
leche descremada, leche desnatada — skimmed milk
leche entera — full-cream milk, whole milk
leche frita — dessert made of milk thickened with flour, coated with egg and fried
leche sin desnatar — Esp whole milk
leche UHT — long-life milk, UHT milk
3) (=loción)leche hidratante — moisturizer, moisturizing lotion
leche limpiadora — cleanser, cleansing milk
4) *** (=semen) cum ***, spunk ***5) ** (=golpe)¡te voy a dar una leche! — I'll thump you! *
se liaron a leches — they laid into each other *, they started swinging at each other *
6)ser la leche ** (=el colmo) —
cantando es la leche — (=bueno) when he sings he's a bloody marvel **; (=malo) when he sings he's bloody awful **
nunca se acuerdan de llamar, ¡son la leche! — they never think to call, they're unbelievable!
7) ** [como interjección]¡leche! — hell!, shit! ***
¡leches! — (=ni hablar) no way! *, get away!
8) ** [con valor enfático]•
de la leche — ** bloody **¡este tráfico de la leche me tiene frita! — I'm fed up with this bloody traffic!
ni leche o leches, no entiende ni leche — he doesn't understand a bloody thing **•
qué leche, ¿qué leche quieres? — what the hell do you want? **¡qué coche ni qué leche! — car my foot! *
9) [indicando velocidad]10)• mala leche — ** bad blood, ill-feeling
aquí hay mucha mala leche — there's a lot of bad blood o ill-feeling here
un tío con muy o mucha mala leche — a nasty piece of work *
11) ** (=lío)tuvimos que rellenar informes, impresos y toda esa leche — we had to fill in reports, forms and all that jazz *
12) esp LAm (=suerte) good luck¡qué leche tienes! — you lucky o jammy * devil!
* * *1) (de madre, de vaca) milk2) (Bot) latex; ( en cosmética) milk, lotion3) (vulg) ( semen) cum (vulg)4) (Esp vulg)a) ( mal humor)b) (expresando fastidio, mal humor)no seas pesado, leche — don't be so goddamn (AmE) o (BrE) bloody annoying (sl)
5) (Andes fam) ( suerte) luckestar con or de leche — to be lucky
* * *= milk.Ex. The former monthly publications on statistics of eggs, meat and milk have been amalgamated since 1980 into a quarterly publication, 'Animal Production'.----* cartón de leche = milk carton.* darse una leche = come + a cropper.* de mala leche = like a bear with a sore head, in a foul mood.* grasa de la leche = milk fat, butterfat.* la leche = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.* leche condensada = condensed milk.* leche del día = fresh milk.* leche de paloma = crop milk.* leche desnadata = skimmed milk.* leche desnatada = skim milk, nonfat milk.* leche de soja = soya milk [soy milk].* leche de vaca = cow's milk [cow milk].* leche en polvo = dry milk, powder milk, powdered milk, milk powder.* leche en polvo desnatada = nonfat dry milk.* leche enriquecida = fortified milk.* leche entera = whole milk.* leche evaporada = evaporated milk.* leche materna = breast milk.* leche semidesnatada = low-fat milk, partly skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk.* leche uperizada = UHT milk.* mala leche = nastiness, bad blood.* nata de la leche = milk fat, butterfat.* no vendas la leche antes de ordeñar la vaca = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.* repartidor de leche = milkman [milkmen, -pl.].* reparto de leche = milk round.* salir echando leches = bolt, take off, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off.* vaca dedicada a la producción de leche = milk-producing cow.* * *1) (de madre, de vaca) milk2) (Bot) latex; ( en cosmética) milk, lotion3) (vulg) ( semen) cum (vulg)4) (Esp vulg)a) ( mal humor)b) (expresando fastidio, mal humor)no seas pesado, leche — don't be so goddamn (AmE) o (BrE) bloody annoying (sl)
5) (Andes fam) ( suerte) luckestar con or de leche — to be lucky
* * *= milk.Ex: The former monthly publications on statistics of eggs, meat and milk have been amalgamated since 1980 into a quarterly publication, 'Animal Production'.
* cartón de leche = milk carton.* darse una leche = come + a cropper.* de mala leche = like a bear with a sore head, in a foul mood.* grasa de la leche = milk fat, butterfat.* la leche = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.* leche condensada = condensed milk.* leche del día = fresh milk.* leche de paloma = crop milk.* leche desnadata = skimmed milk.* leche desnatada = skim milk, nonfat milk.* leche de soja = soya milk [soy milk].* leche de vaca = cow's milk [cow milk].* leche en polvo = dry milk, powder milk, powdered milk, milk powder.* leche en polvo desnatada = nonfat dry milk.* leche enriquecida = fortified milk.* leche entera = whole milk.* leche evaporada = evaporated milk.* leche materna = breast milk.* leche semidesnatada = low-fat milk, partly skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk.* leche uperizada = UHT milk.* mala leche = nastiness, bad blood.* nata de la leche = milk fat, butterfat.* no vendas la leche antes de ordeñar la vaca = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.* repartidor de leche = milkman [milkmen, -pl.].* reparto de leche = milk round.* salir echando leches = bolt, take off, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off.* vaca dedicada a la producción de leche = milk-producing cow.* * *A (de la madre, de una vaca) milkleche materna mother's milkleche de vaca/cabra cow's/goat's milkla leche se ha cortado the milk has gone offmás blanco que la leche as white as a sheet¡me cago en la leche! ( vulg) (expresando enfado) shit! ( vulg), damn it! ( colloq) (expresando sorpresa) son of a bitch! ( AmE sl), bloody hell! ( BrE sl)Compuestos:● leche chocoleatada or chocolatadachocolate milkcondensed milkmilk of magnesia● leche desnatada or descremadapowdered milkwhole milk, full-cream milksterilized milkhomogenized milk( Col) malted milktype of ice cream made with egg whites, cinnamon and sugarpasteurized milkB1 ( Bot) milky sap, latex2 (en cosmética) milk, lotionCompuestos:tanning lotion o milk● leche de almendras/pepinosalmond/cucumber lotionmoisturizing lotion, moisturizercleansing milk1(golpe): nos vamos a dar una leche we're going to crashse liaron a leches they beat the hell out of each other (sl)23 ( como interj):4de la leche ( arg): hace un frío de la leche it's goddamn freezing ( AmE), it's bloody freezing ( BrE colloq)estoy harta de ese pesado de la leche I'm fed up with that boring old fart (sl)5se han vuelto a equivocar, son la leche they've got it wrong again, they're the pits o ( BrE) they're bloody useless ( colloq)1(mal humor): tiene una leche … he's so bad-tempered, he's got a foul temper2(expresando fastidio, mal humor): ¿qué leches pintas tú en este asunto? what the hell has this got to do with you? ( colloq)pídele que te lo devuelva ¡qué leches! ask her to damn well give it back to you ( colloq)* * *
leche sustantivo femenino
1 (de madre, de vaca) milk;
leche descremada or (Esp) desnatada skim milk (AmE), skimmed milk (BrE);
leche entera whole milk, full-cream milk
2 ( en cosmética) milk, lotion
3 (Esp vulg) ( mal humor):◊ tiene una leche … he's got a foul temper;
hacer algo con mala leche to do sth deliberately o to be nasty;
tener mala leche to be bad-tempered
4 (Andes fam) ( suerte) luck;
estar con or de leche to be lucky
leche sustantivo femenino
1 milk
leche descremada o desnatada, skim o skimmed milk
leche entera, full-fat milk, US whole milk
2 Cosm milk, cream
leche corporal, body milk
leche hidratante, moisturizer
3 Anat dientes de leche, milk teeth, US baby teeth
4 familiar mala leche, nastiness
5 vulgar (golpe) bump
darse una leche, to bump o to come a cropper
' leche' also found in these entries:
- bronceador
- bronceadora
- café
- cagarse
- calentar
- chocolate
- colar
- colador
- cortada
- cortado
- cortarse
- cuajar
- de
- derramar
- desmaquillador
- desmaquilladora
- desnatada
- desnatado
- diente
- grumo
- hervir
- infinitamente
- manteca
- mojar
- nata
- polvo
- producir
- suero
- uperisada
- uperisado
- uperizada
- uperizado
- agriarse
- aguado
- aguar
- alimento
- ama
- arroz
- azucarar
- batido
- bueno
- cantina
- cartón
- cortar
- crema
- dulce
- estropear
- hervidor
- lactancia
attested milk
- bad
- boil over
- buttermilk
- carton
- chocolate
- cleansing lotion
- clot
- coffee
- container
- cream
- curdle
- dried
- evaporated milk
- for
- fridge
- intolerance
- milk
- milk chocolate
- milk tooth
- milk-white
- milky
- mix
- much
- nonfat
- off
- powdered
- pudding
- put
- remember
- rice pudding
- semi-skimmed
- skim
- skin
- sour
- turn
- white
- black
- bottle
- cleanser
- condensed
- creamer
- dark
- dash
- drink
- float
- fudge
- half
- none
- plain
* * *leche nf1. [de mujer, hembra] milk;leche de cabra/vaca goat's/cow's milkleche condensada condensed milk;leche descremada skimmed milk;leche desnatada skimmed milk;leche entera whole milk, Br full-cream milk;leche esterilizada sterilized milk;leche evaporada evaporated milk;leche frita = sweet made from milk and flour fried in batter and cut into cubes;leche homogeneizada homogenized milk;Am leche instantánea powdered milk;leche malteada malted milk;leche materna mother's milk;leche merengada = drink made from milk, beaten egg whites, sugar and cinnamon;leche pasteurizada pasteurized milk;leche en polvo powdered milk;leche de soja soya milk;leche UHT UHT milk;leche uperisada UHT milk2. [de planta] milk, milky sapleche de almendras almond milk;leche de coco coconut milkleche hidratante moisturizing lotion;leche limpiadora cleansing milk;leche de magnesia milk of magnesiacomo no te calles te voy a dar una leche if you don't shut up I'm going to sock you one;nos liamos a leches we beat the crap out of each other9. CompEsp muy Famechando leches like a bat out of hell, flat out;correr/trabajar a toda leche [muy rápido] to run/work like hell;¡esto es la leche! [el colmo] this is the absolute Br bloody o US goddamn limit!;eres la leche, ¿por qué no me avisaste antes? you're Br bloody o US goddamn unbelievable, why didn't you tell me before?;[muy malo] her new record sucks, Br her new record is crap;¿cuándo/qué/por qué leches…? when/what/why the hell…?;¡una leche! no way!;¡me cago en la leche! Br bloody hell!, US goddamn it!;ya te he dicho que no, ¡leche! Br Jesus bloody Christ, haven't I already said no?, US I've already said no, goddamn it!;prepara unas paellas de la leche Br she cooks a bloody mean paella, US she sure as hell cooks a mean paella;* * *f milk;estar de mala leche pop be in a foul mood;tener mala leche pop be out to make trouble;tener leche L.Am. fam be lucky* * *leche nf1) : milkleche en polvo: powdered milkleche de magnesia: milk of magnesia2) : milky sap* * *leche n milk
См. также в других словарях:
iced coffee — noun count or uncount a drink made from coffee mixed with ice and milk, or a glass of this drink … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Iced coffee — An iced cappuccino with cream on top. Iced coffee is a cold variant of the beverage coffee. Contents 1 Preparation … Wikipedia
iced coffee — noun a strong sweetened coffee served over ice with cream • Syn: ↑ice coffee • Hypernyms: ↑coffee, ↑java * * * iced coffee UK US noun [countable/uncountable] [singular … Useful english dictionary
iced coffee — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms iced coffee : singular iced coffee plural iced coffees a drink made from coffee mixed with ice and milk, or a glass of this drink … English dictionary
iced coffee — кофе гляссе coffee filtering paper бумага для процеживания настоя кофе coffee bean cleaning machine машина для очистки зерен кофе nondairy coffee whitener немолочный забеливатель для кофе coffee drying floor настил для солнечной сушки зерен кофе… … English-Russian travelling dictionary
iced coffee — noun (C, U) cold coffee with ice and milk, or a glass of this drink … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Farmer's Union Iced Coffee — Infobox Beverage name = Farmers Union Iced Coffee manufacturer= Kirin type = Milk beverage origin = Australia introduced = 1977 colour = Coffee flavour = Coffee variants = Light, Regular and Strong flavorsFarmer s Union Iced Coffee is a flavoured … Wikipedia
Vietnamese iced coffee — Cà phê sữa đá ready to be stirred, poured over ice, and enjoyed. Cà phê sữa nóng … Wikipedia
Coffee milk — is a drink similar to chocolate milk; however, instead of chocolate syrup, coffee syrup is used. It is the official state drink of Rhode Island in the United States of America.[1] … Wikipedia
Iced — ([imac]st), a. 1. Covered with ice. [1913 Webster] 2. Chilled with ice; as, iced water; iced tea; iced coffee; of beverages. [1913 Webster] 3. (Cookery) Covered with something resembling ice, as sugar icing; frosted; as, iced cake. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Iced cream — Iced Iced ([imac]st), a. 1. Covered with ice. [1913 Webster] 2. Chilled with ice; as, iced water; iced tea; iced coffee; of beverages. [1913 Webster] 3. (Cookery) Covered with something resembling ice, as sugar icing; frosted; as, iced cake.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English